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Everyone is Welcome at Chisholm Trail Cowboy Church.

Welcome to Chisholm Trail Cowboy Church.

Here you will discover a warm group of real people dedicated to following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are family. We are men, women, children, cowboy’s, plumbers, electricians, businessmen and  students, teachers, motorcycle riders, athletes, artists, young and old, but most of all we are family.

Our sunday Services

Worship Times

Sunday - 10:00 AM

Come and join us Sunday morning for coffee and donuts. We have a nursery and class rooms for your Lil Wrangler. There is also an adult bible study group from 9:00-9:45 AM.


What to Expect

A typical service will last about 90 minutes. We have great coffee, and glazed donuts along with an amazing  band that leads our worship and we worship together as a family. The nursery is available and the LiL Wranglers attend class during the service.

Arrival Time

Many people arrive 30 minutes early. There is coffee and donuts, so many of our members enjoy a few minutes of fellowship before our 10:00AM services start.

What to Wear

Anyway you want. While many of us at Cowboy Junction wear boots, jeans, hats or caps, others wear shorts, and some wear suits or dresses. The only thing anyone will notice is that you're here!

Worship Style

We are blessed to have many musicians. Each week we rotate through different groups who help bring us to a place of worship.

Teaching Style

We want to ignite a lifelong passion for Christ in our children and students. We have programming for ages 1 through 14 year olds.